Alberto Santos Dumont, “o pai da aviação e patrono da Aeronáutica”, mais do que qualquer outro brasileiro, merece também ser reconhecido como o patrono da moderna logística de defesa brasileira, porque incorporou, em uma só pessoa, a maioria das qualidades necessárias aos profissionais dessa área.
Como conclui o Brigadeiro Pazzini:
“Santos-Dumont is, among all aviation pioneers, the only one who designed, developed, and fully tested, as engineer and pilot, both aerostats and aerodynes, balloons, dirigibles, gliders, airplanes, and helicopters. In the period of less than 12 years, from 1898 to 1910, he worked on 23 very different aircraft, with an average of two projects per year. His productivity as aeronautical designer, compared to any other contemporary designer, was simply unsurpassable.
He was responsible for the first certified flights of the airship and of the airplane. It was his Demoiselle the first aircraft to enter in serial production, thanks to his generous and unrestrictive donation of intellectual property rights. Finally, he gave solid basis for the policies that ended up introducing modern aeronautical industry in Brazil and abroad. No other aviation pioneer has left so comprehensive and sizeable legacy to humankind.
Therefore, he deserves full recognition for his legacy and a very special place among all persons having passion for aeronautics”. (BRANDÃO, 2018).
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