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Behera, L. K. Indian Defense Industry. Pergamon Press. India. 2016

This book thoroughly probes the Indian Defence industry and the policies pertaining to it. Based on hard core evidence, it identifies the key shortcomings of this vital sector and provides a detailed roadmap for the Modi government’s ambitious ‘Make in India’ programme to succeed in defence production sector. Though written with a clear focus on influencing policy making, the book is presented in an accessible format to be easily understood by the wider strategic community.

About the Author
Dr Laxman Kumar Behera is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. As a member of the IDSA’s Centre of Defence Economics and Industry, he specialises on issues related to arms procurement, offsets, defence industry, military spending, defence cooperation and arms export control. He was closely associated with two high-level Committees set up by the Ministry of Defence on Defence Acquisition and Defence Expenditure. He was a Consultant to the Task Force on Self-Reliance and Defence Modernisation, constituted by the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS). In 2013, Dr Behera held the prestigious ICCR Chair, India Studies, at FundacaoGetulio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



Ponte, Aureliano da. Desarrollo Industrial y Autonomia Tecnológica. La industrializacion de sector petrolero y el sector nuclear de Argentina.

Argentina desarrolló una serie de experiencias muy relevantes en sectores industriales estratégicos (siderometalúrgico, petroquímico, química pesada, gasífero, petrolero y nuclear). También importantes esfuerzos en las industrias de defensa. El impulso de estas actividades estuvo asociado en sus orígenes al impacto que tuvo la Primera Guerra Mundial y las vulnerabilidades evidenciadas por el conflicto. Consecuencia de la paralización económica emergente y del escaso grado de desenvolvimiento industrial surgieron en el seno de las Fuerzas Armadas y en algunos círculos políticos posturas que manifestaban la necesidad de impulsar el desarrollo de la industria nacional.


  Desarrollo industrial y autonomía tecnológica. AdP 2017

Kausal, B. A. & Markowski, S. (2000). A comparison of the Defense Acquisition Systems of Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and the United States. Fort Belvoir: Defense Systems Management College Press.

This is a book about the national armament systems of five nations. It provides an introduction to the political environment, the acquisition organizations, systems and processes of Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and the United States. These countries were selected for two reasons; they are participants in the annual Pacific International Acquisition and Procurements Seminar (IAPS) and because as allies and friends they are likely participants in future international armaments cooperative programs.



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